I’ve been back from Mexico for a month now. I know in my last post I said I took a little time to adjust to being home, but that didn’t really happen. Life has moved unusually fast since my return – working in Healthcare through a pandemic, moving into a new home, and I even took another trip (Chicago is lovely, by the way.) Somehow what I intended to be a 2-week readjustment period turned into a month and here we are…
“What happened to your Mexico content?”
Short answer: a rough battle with depression and anxiety.
Long answer:
When I returned from my month in Mexico, I had a hard time re-adjusting.
As someone who’s lived with depression and anxiety most of my life (and managed it relatively well with the help of my therapist and a generous self-care plan,) I never imagined NOT having to navigate my day-to-day life around it. To my surprise, I experienced so much peace while in Mexico that it was almost unfamiliar to me. Not one night of insomnia. Not a single panic attack. No night terrors.

I got 8+ hours of sleep most nights, and I went for long walks twice a day.
I pampered myself, and I made new acquaintances from all over the world
I ate and drank and explored. It was amazing and I didn’t want it to end.

When I got back to Texas, I felt the energy shift immediately! I was in Struggleville and didn’t know how long I’d be there. It may seem silly, but editing the Mexico photos and posts challenged me because I was fighting the impulse to run back. 😅 So, I gave myself time and space to readjust, which meant putting the deliverables on the backburner for a bit… and by backburner I mean “let them collect dust in WordPress drafts.”
Peace is not in a destination.
As much as I want to convince myself that I was at peace because I was in Mexico, I know that isn’t the complete truth. I was at peace, because I was intentional about the experiences I wanted, then I gave myself the freedom (and an entire month) to explore those ideas undistracted.
While I’ve been clawing my way back to “feeling normal”, I’ve been more intentional making the necessary life adjustments to for that peace wherever I am, and wherever I’m going. Now that I know it’s possible, nothing can stop me – not even myself.

The Mexico content is coming, I promise.
There will be general solo travel tips, as well as city guides and recaps for Los Cabos, Oaxaca, and Mexico City. I’m excited to share all the details with you; I just needed to be in the right space to do so. Thanks for your patience and continued support. 💕
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