Museum Musings: Fauvism at Museum of Arts Houston

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Took a Sunday stroll through the new Museum of Fine Arts Houston’s exhibit featuring French expressionists Henri Matisse and André Derain.

Henri Matisse, Open Window, Collioure, 1905, oil on canvas

What I Learned:

Matisse and Derain spent the summer of 1905 in Collioure, a fishing village off the Mediterranean coast of southern France. While drawing, literally, from their surroundings, the two French painters experimented with vibrant colors, bold brushwork, and simplified forms. The artistic styling would later be referred  to as Fauvism.

André Derain, “Environs of Collioure” (“Environs de Collioure”), 1905, oil on canvas
I forgot to note the artist credit. It’s either Henri Matisse or André Derain

What I Thought:

I wonder if that’s like when Jay Z and Kanye West spent that summer in Honolulu for Watch the Throne?

Vertigo of Color: Matisse, Derain, and the Origins of Fauvism is on view at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston through May 27, 2024

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