To the surprise of absolutely no one, I consider myself a foodie – specifically, a restaurant foodie. I mean, I have an entire blog dedicated to writing about restaurants (and art… and other experiences… but mostly about food… from restaurants.)
I love making restaurant recommendations…
It’s a personal goal to never be stumped when friends and family ask for restaurant recommendations. Ideally, I try to always suggest at least three restaurants choices – regardless of geographic location, cuisine, price point, or “I’ve got a taste for” craving. No matter how specific the inquiry is, I want to be able to have a restaurant recommendation that will fit the bill.
But please don’t ask me to pick *a* restaurant.
-unless you’ve got a few hours for me to sort through my mental list. According to VisitHoustonTexas, there are more than 10,000 restaurants in the Houston area. Asking me to pick just one restaurant – when there are sooooo many options- may cause me to short-circuit. It’s just too much pressure!

In case you’re wondering, yes this personal dilemma has caused many disagreements sparked by the “pick a restaurant” requests from friends and baes. If I’m responsible for the restaurant selection, I’ve got follow up questions to narrow down the choices. Then, I’m probably still going to tell you to pick from my curated list. Being the foodie friend is hard work, but someone’s got to do it.